Qt4 include files missing?
Edgar Fuß
2014-10-22 12:38:45 UTC
I'm trying to build print/poppler-qt4 (on OS X, if that matters), and it fails
due to missing qt4 #include files (QtCore/QDateTime and such).
Who's supposed to install these? I can't find any PLIST containing them!
So it looks like print/poppler-qt4 can't ever be built?
Edgar Fuß
2014-10-22 17:01:16 UTC
Post by Edgar Fuß
I'm trying to build print/poppler-qt4 (on OS X, if that matters), and it fails
due to missing qt4 #include files (QtCore/QDateTime and such).
Who's supposed to install these? I can't find any PLIST containing them!
OK, I figured out that x11/qt4-libs creates a dnamic PLIST containing them.
Somehow my build of qt4-libs put those include files in
.destdir/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.5/include, not usr/pkg/qt4/include.
No idea why.
Since building qt4-libs takes more than five hours, I now manually filddled
around that.
