wip/webkit-gtk-2.4.3: testing needed
Leonardo Taccari
2014-06-01 15:01:40 UTC
Hello tech-pkg@,
I have finally succesfully built wip/webkit-gtk... I built it using
NetBSD/i386 6.1.4 and lang/gcc48 (2014Q1 binary package from NetBSD
mirrors PKG_PATH).

I'm testing it and I notice various performance problems with javascript
turned on using wip/vimb... ...but I should investigate further.

If you would like to help it would be very nice if you can install it
(especially using gcc and clang in -current) and testing it with
different application.
In order to use it with a package just change:

.include "../../www/webkit-gtk/buildlink3.mk"


.include "../../wip/webkit-gtk/buildlink3.mk"


IIRC some packages (e.g. www/liferea-current) could not be updated
because need newer version of webkit-gtk and so I think that we should
update www/webkit-gtk as soon as possible... We should also look to
--enable-webkit2 because the webkit1 API will be deprecated in the next
release and also make a wip/webkit-gtk3 package... but... for now, one
step at time. :)

Feel free to read TODO and improve the package in any way you want!

Thank you in advance!
Leonardo Taccari
2014-06-03 08:46:30 UTC
Post by Leonardo Taccari
Feel free to read TODO and improve the package in any way you want!
I have added "opengl" and "enchant" to options.mk in order to tweak
webkit-gtk if the user want.
The "enchant" option that provides the spellcheck support is enabled by
default while the "opengl" is disabled by default...
I am now rebuilding webkit-gtk to see if GLX, WebGL and accelerated
composite support influence in some way the perfomance (altough I doubt
that because on this machine drm(4) works pretty well... worth trying!).

I Hope to bring you good news,
Leonardo Taccari
2014-06-04 12:39:25 UTC
Post by Leonardo Taccari
I am now rebuilding webkit-gtk to see if GLX, WebGL and accelerated
composite support influence in some way the perfomance (altough I doubt
that because on this machine drm(4) works pretty well... worth trying!).
It fails building with the following errors:

CXX DerivedSources/WebCore/libWebCoreSVG_la-JSSVGPathSegClosePath.lo
CXX DerivedSources/WebCore/libWebCoreSVG_la-JSSVGPatternElement.lo
CXX DerivedSources/WebCore/libWebCoreSVG_la-JSSVGSVGElement.lo
CXX DerivedSources/WebCore/libWebCoreSVG_la-JSSVGTextElement.lo
CXXLD libWebCoreSVG.la
CXXLD libwebkitgtk-1.0.la
Source/autotools/install-sh -c -d ./.deps/DerivedSources
CCLD Programs/GtkLauncher
/usr/pkgsrc/wip/webkit-gtk/work/webkitgtk-2.4.3/.libs/libwebkitgtk-1.0.so: undefined reference to `_ZN3JSC21GenericTypedArrayViewINS_14Float32AdaptorEE6createEj'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
GNUmakefile:40541: recipe for target 'Programs/GtkLauncher' failed
gmake[1]: *** [Programs/GtkLauncher] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/pkgsrc/wip/webkit-gtk/work/webkitgtk-2.4.3'
GNUmakefile:25693: recipe for target 'all' failed
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
*** Error code 2


$ grep -I "_ZN3JSC21GenericTypedArrayViewINS_14Float32AdaptorEE6createEj" -r .

does not help.
I (re)added "opengl" to PKG_SUGGESTED_OPTIONS to have a working

2014-06-04 23:48:52 UTC
Post by Leonardo Taccari
$ grep -I "_ZN3JSC21GenericTypedArrayViewINS_14Float32AdaptorEE6createEj" -r .
does not help.
"c++filt" will help you.
% c++filt _ZN3JSC21GenericTypedArrayViewINS_14Float32AdaptorEE6createEj
JSC::GenericTypedArrayView<JSC::Float32Adaptor>::create(unsigned int)
OBATA Akio / ***@lins.jp
Leonardo Taccari
2014-06-05 09:38:56 UTC
Hello OBATA,
Post by OBATA Akio
Post by Leonardo Taccari
$ grep -I "_ZN3JSC21GenericTypedArrayViewINS_14Float32AdaptorEE6createEj" -r .
does not help.
"c++filt" will help you.
% c++filt _ZN3JSC21GenericTypedArrayViewINS_14Float32AdaptorEE6createEj
JSC::GenericTypedArrayView<JSC::Float32Adaptor>::create(unsigned int)
I did not know it! Thank you for the tip!

Thomas Klausner
2014-06-10 13:39:44 UTC
Post by Leonardo Taccari
If you would like to help it would be very nice if you can install it
(especially using gcc and clang in -current) and testing it with
different application.
I've tried out wip/webkit-gtk with finance/gnucash, and it works fine.
(I had to fix webkit-gtk's PLIST, the fix is committed.)

Thank you!
Leonardo Taccari
2014-06-12 00:39:15 UTC
Hello Thomas,
Post by Thomas Klausner
I've tried out wip/webkit-gtk with finance/gnucash, and it works fine.
(I had to fix webkit-gtk's PLIST, the fix is committed.)
I'm happy to listen that!

If you have free time and you would like to test it further please let
me know if you have also noticed that with javascript wip/webkit-gtk is
much slower than www/webkit-gtk (I'm not sure if finance/gnucash uses
javascript engine, though).
A small package without further dependencies is wip/vimb.

Thank you for reporting that!
Ottavio Caruso
2014-06-12 07:04:30 UTC
Post by Thomas Klausner
Post by Leonardo Taccari
If you would like to help it would be very nice if you can install it
(especially using gcc and clang in -current) and testing it with
different application.
I've tried out wip/webkit-gtk with finance/gnucash, and it works fine.
(I had to fix webkit-gtk's PLIST, the fix is committed.)
Thank you!
Could anybody try it with the latest Midori and see if it solves the
seg fault problem as in bug 47620 (and apologies for the mess I made
with that bug report, you need to go the bottom to see the ktrace
Leonardo Taccari
2014-06-12 11:50:23 UTC
Hello Ottavio,
Post by Ottavio Caruso
Could anybody try it with the latest Midori and see if it solves the
seg fault problem as in bug 47620 (and apologies for the mess I made
with that bug report, you need to go the bottom to see the ktrace
Regarding pkg/47620 I'm not sure but wiz@ disabled webkit-jit option on
amd64 too and this may help you (IIRC the fix isn't present in the
pkgsrc-2014Q1 package)... wip/webkit-gtk does the same.

If www/midori is the only package that uses www/webkit-gtk you can also
delete it and try wip/webkit-gtk just changing in the

.include "../../www/webkit-gtk/buildlink3.mk"


.include "../../wip/webkit-gtk/buildlink3.mk"

They can't coexist in the same LOCALBASE but apart the new
multimedia/gstreamer1 related dependencies wip/webkit-gtk still uses
WebKit1 API and should be compatible with older webkit versions (so just
update www/midori/Makefile && pkg_delete webkit-gtk && cd www/midori &&
make install :))

Unfortunately I will be busy for the university in the next weeks but I
will try www/midori ASAP, doing my best to have the webkit-gtk>=2.4.3
imported for pkgsrc-2014Q3 (it's still WIP for the "opengl" option and
the speed issues when javascript is on).

Ottavio Caruso
2014-06-13 17:14:24 UTC
Post by Leonardo Taccari
If www/midori is the only package that uses www/webkit-gtk you can also
delete it and try wip/webkit-gtk just changing in the
I'll try that. Silly question: why is /wip/webkit-gtk set to
Maintainer: pkgsrc-users, and not tech-pkg?

If I have any feedback, should I cc: pkgsrc-users?
Leonardo Taccari
2014-06-13 23:01:38 UTC
Hello Ottavio,
Post by Ottavio Caruso
I'll try that. Silly question: why is /wip/webkit-gtk set to
Maintainer: pkgsrc-users, and not tech-pkg?
If I have any feedback, should I cc: pkgsrc-users?
Please share everything in this thread. pkgsrc-users@ MAINTAINER is
used for packages that does not have a specific MAINTAINER.

It is better to use tech-pkg@ for everything regarding pkgsrc-wip.

Thomas Klausner
2014-08-03 22:38:25 UTC
Post by Thomas Klausner
Post by Leonardo Taccari
If you would like to help it would be very nice if you can install it
(especially using gcc and clang in -current) and testing it with
different application.
I've tried out wip/webkit-gtk with finance/gnucash, and it works fine.
(I had to fix webkit-gtk's PLIST, the fix is committed.)
I've moved webkit-gtk* to webkit1-gtk* and used wip/webkit-gtk for
updating www/webkit-gtk.

I've removed www/webkit-gtk3 for now; someone interested, please
package it again.

Also, if you are currently using a package using webkit1-gtk, try
building it with webkit-gtk (just change the buildlink3.mk include
line in the Makefile) and report if it builds and works fine.

Leonardo, can you please make sure the patches are sent upstream?

Thanks for preparing this update!

2014-08-04 04:30:15 UTC
Post by Thomas Klausner
Post by Thomas Klausner
Post by Leonardo Taccari
If you would like to help it would be very nice if you can install it
(especially using gcc and clang in -current) and testing it with
different application.
I've tried out wip/webkit-gtk with finance/gnucash, and it works fine.
(I had to fix webkit-gtk's PLIST, the fix is committed.)
I've moved webkit-gtk* to webkit1-gtk* and used wip/webkit-gtk for
updating www/webkit-gtk.
I've removed www/webkit-gtk3 for now; someone interested, please
package it again.
Also, if you are currently using a package using webkit1-gtk, try
building it with webkit-gtk (just change the buildlink3.mk include
line in the Makefile) and report if it builds and works fine.
How about WebKit2 API?

* WebKitGTK+ supports GTK2 and GTK3
* WebKitGTK+ supports WebKit1 and WebKit2 API
* WebKit2 API is the default API for WebKitGTK+ 2.0
* WebKitGTK+ 1.5.90 switch to GTK+3 by default

www/webkit-gtk is updated to 2.x, but WebKit2 API is disabled.
I wondered that WebKit2 API should be provided as www/webkit2-gtk* packages.
But there is naming confusion now, webkit1-gtk* packages provide WebKitGTK+
version 1.x, not meaning WebKit1 API.

Any thought?
OBATA Akio / ***@lins.jp
Leonardo Taccari
2014-08-04 08:49:31 UTC
Post by Thomas Klausner
I've moved webkit-gtk* to webkit1-gtk* and used wip/webkit-gtk for
updating www/webkit-gtk.
I've removed www/webkit-gtk3 for now; someone interested, please
package it again.
Also, if you are currently using a package using webkit1-gtk, try
building it with webkit-gtk (just change the buildlink3.mk include
line in the Makefile) and report if it builds and works fine.
Thanks a lot Thomas for taking care of it. I will look at it in the next
days and send the patches upstream (I need to update a NetBSD box to
-current in order to have a working compiler for www/webkit-gtk).
Post by Thomas Klausner
How about WebKit2 API?
* WebKitGTK+ supports GTK2 and GTK3
* WebKitGTK+ supports WebKit1 and WebKit2 API
* WebKit2 API is the default API for WebKitGTK+ 2.0
* WebKitGTK+ 1.5.90 switch to GTK+3 by default
www/webkit-gtk is updated to 2.x, but WebKit2 API is disabled.
I wondered that WebKit2 API should be provided as www/webkit2-gtk* packages.
But there is naming confusion now, webkit1-gtk* packages provide WebKitGTK+
version 1.x, not meaning WebKit1 API.
Any thought?
A part naming convention there is some confusion in upstream webkit-gtk

* WebKit1 API is deprecated and *removed*[0] and webkit-gtk-2.4.4 is
the last stable release that supports it.

I'm not sure about the naming convention but I think that Thomas renamed
old www/webkit-gtk in order to not break a lot of packages (also
according pkgsrc-changes@ CVS log messages)... If so I think that the
rename is ok, the "1" stands for the major version of webkit-gtk and
also DESCR points to that.

For now IMO it is more important to have a functioning latest stable
version of webkit-gtk and *then* give a look to WebKit2 API.

[0]: http://webkitgtk.org/2014/08/01/webkitgtk2.5.1-released.html

Thomas Klausner
2014-08-04 09:32:07 UTC
Post by Thomas Klausner
Also, if you are currently using a package using webkit1-gtk, try
building it with webkit-gtk (just change the buildlink3.mk include
line in the Makefile) and report if it builds and works fine.
I've converted most packages in pkgsrc to use webkit-gtk.
I didn't do it for:

* shotwell (doesn't build for me)

* liferea (does not display any feeds; liferea-current works, I think
we should move that to liferea)

* kazehakase (builds, but doesn't seem to download or display any

Leonardo Taccari
2014-08-04 09:57:32 UTC
Hello Thomas,
Post by Thomas Klausner
* liferea (does not display any feeds; liferea-current works, I think
we should move that to liferea)
I think that too (www/liferea is very old and I think it is no longer
supported upstream). The name is also confusing here because -current is
not the nomenclature we're used in NetBSD or pkgsrc.

2014-08-04 11:16:58 UTC
Post by Thomas Klausner
I've removed www/webkit-gtk3 for now; someone interested, please
package it again.
Also, if you are currently using a package using webkit1-gtk, try
building it with webkit-gtk (just change the buildlink3.mk include
line in the Makefile) and report if it builds and works fine.
I want to revive www/webkit-gtk3 and test with www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk*,
but it is impossible on NetBSD-6 release now,
www/webkit-gtk require gcc>=4.8,
builtin gcc is 4.5.3 so require gcc from pkgsrc,
lang/gcc48 require lang/gcc48-lib
failed to build lang/gcc48-lib with builtin gcc
OBATA Akio / ***@lins.jp
Thomas Klausner
2014-09-02 06:45:25 UTC
Post by OBATA Akio
I want to revive www/webkit-gtk3 and test with www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk*,
but it is impossible on NetBSD-6 release now,
www/webkit-gtk require gcc>=4.8,
builtin gcc is 4.5.3 so require gcc from pkgsrc,
lang/gcc48 require lang/gcc48-lib
failed to build lang/gcc48-lib with builtin gcc
I've tried packaging on 7.99.1, but the build failed for me in the
final linking step. I've put what I have in wip/webkit-gtk3, if
someone wants to help fixing this.
