Alistair Crooks
2014-06-08 17:55:51 UTC
Just a quick heads-up that we plan to freeze the pkgsrc repository for
new packages, and for infrastructure changes, on June 15th at 23:59
UTC. The aim is for a pkgsrc branch two weeks after the start of the
freeze, although the exact time will be advised nearer the time.
Last time, in the run up to the freeze, we had a slew of commits which
did not play well with each other. We'd like to avoid that this time,
so if you want to make any changes between now and the 15th, or know
of any large-scale or far-reaching updates, can you send a "heads up"
message to tech-pkg, please? This will help everyone know what your
plans are, and will only take a minute or two.
[If this approach does not work, then we will start planning three week
freezes, which is not enjoyable for anyone]
During the freeze, we ask for any changes that are going to be
intrusive, far-reaching or problematic for others to be approved in
advance. I do not really want to spell out what constitutes an
"infrastructure change", or "far-reaching" or "intrusive" mainly
because these are hard to define exactly, and fairly easy to infer
from the files you need to change or the impact the change will have;
I also understand that this is insufficient for some people. If
you're unsure whether your change is acceptable without prior
authorisation from a member of the pkgsrc PMC, please err on the side
of caution, and just ask in advance.
new packages, and for infrastructure changes, on June 15th at 23:59
UTC. The aim is for a pkgsrc branch two weeks after the start of the
freeze, although the exact time will be advised nearer the time.
Last time, in the run up to the freeze, we had a slew of commits which
did not play well with each other. We'd like to avoid that this time,
so if you want to make any changes between now and the 15th, or know
of any large-scale or far-reaching updates, can you send a "heads up"
message to tech-pkg, please? This will help everyone know what your
plans are, and will only take a minute or two.
[If this approach does not work, then we will start planning three week
freezes, which is not enjoyable for anyone]
During the freeze, we ask for any changes that are going to be
intrusive, far-reaching or problematic for others to be approved in
advance. I do not really want to spell out what constitutes an
"infrastructure change", or "far-reaching" or "intrusive" mainly
because these are hard to define exactly, and fairly easy to infer
from the files you need to change or the impact the change will have;
I also understand that this is insufficient for some people. If
you're unsure whether your change is acceptable without prior
authorisation from a member of the pkgsrc PMC, please err on the side
of caution, and just ask in advance.